New Dock Construction

dock1This week a beautiful crisp Sunday morning offered the club an invigorating spot of rowing, followed by a significant step forward in the progress of our new dock system. All in all it was a day of accomplishment, as evidenced by the completion of a durable and rock-solid frame that will form the supporting structure for the main ramp that will lead down to our floating dock section.

This days dock building adventure was guided by the steely fortitude of master planner Steve Galett teamed with the steady wisdom and wise hands of his lifelong friend Paul (Paulie) and son (Little Paul), with assistance from the clumsy but moderately capable Men’s Captain and the eagle eyed and ever daring Club President. There was much cutting of wood and an excessive use of power tools backed by the steady patter of critical chit-chat and an occasional bout of tom-foolery. In the end the aforementioned team (having retained all extremities) was able to take stock of what they had wrought, lean back with hands affixed to hips and feel mighty proud of themselves.

Work yet to come will include finishing out the ramp with decking, building a connecting upper deck with oar racks at the top of the ramp, as well as a pivoting portion to connect the bottom of the ramp to the floating dock. Once complete the dock system will easily support 8 hippopotami dancing an irish jig, with sand free feet. Needless to say this will be the realization of a recurring fever dream that has plagued the FVRA membership throughout this last season. Rest easier dear rowers, the nightmare is almost over, the fever will soon break.

steve_dockStay tuned for the next installment in this scintillating dock-u-mentary.
